
Samuel Morgan
over 7 years ago

Hello and welcome to what we here at Surgia hope will become a regular source of entertainment and information for you all

This space will be dedicated to all that is surgical.

During each month, we will go over the Surgia events held, interesting journals related to our shared passion, interviews with some of Australia’s top surgeons and anything else of interest to you, our soon to be, faithful readers.

We hope you enjoy.

To start things off we will be sharing some brief anecdotes and stories from Surgia’s first event, The Amazing Race.

As the sun began to set on the unsuspecting Gold Coast, a ravenous group descended onto Appel Park.

Headbands were tied, face paint painted and El Presidente, Tyron March gave the welcoming address before the teams set off for Surgia’s 2017 Amazing Race.

A night to remember and a night of firsts, For some it was the first time in the iconic (ironic) Surfers Paradise. For the Surgia team, it’s the first time we’ve had such a talented group behind the wheel. Wasim and Will are no doubt going to be an incredible assets with their cinematography and editing skills, can’t wait to see what they put out next- https://www.facebook.com/pg/surgia.org/videos/?ref=page_internal

Of course, there is always sponsor love, without these brilliant people in our lives we don’t get to enjoy these awesome events. Firstly to TUNE UP! KARAOKE for allowing us to be the backstreet loving, Toto crying, Whitney Houston screaming rock stars we were born (not) to be.

To Melbas for hosting the rag tag bunch of misfits is what was easily the best themed event of the year. Finally, to the behind the scenes Alex Grady, Tyron March and the rest of the Surgia Exec who nurtured first timers through the condom challenge or supporting a Jaffy through their first beer – we all remember our first one..

Proudly, another shout out to the swim-a-thon crew who took out first with 864 laps(43.2km) raising over $2900 for the cause.

Absolute legends

Next, the Neurology red flags and Neurosurgery evening:

For those of you lucky enough to attend, professor Simon Broadly and Dr Christian Schwindack presented a clinically orientated, detail packed lecture teeming with advice any hungry neuro-minded medical student would enjoy.

From personal anecdotes with accompanying photography or specialised questions aimed to twist the gyri of comprehension, the Surgia team would like to extend our warm gratitude to these two greats for their time and company.

On a side note, watch this space – as we have a one-on-one interview with neurosurgeon Dr Christian Schwindack in our next instalment.

Finally, here is an interesting surgical journal for you all. This week we see a bizarre proximal femur fracture:


From the scalpel’s edge,


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